Travel Tips & Tricks
I was thinking the other day about what I should talk about and came across an article, I don’t even remember where. It was basically a list of tips and tricks on what to do to help your vacation go better or your trip go better, whether it be vacation or work or whatever.
I started writing down a list of the little bits of help and advice I’ve been given and/or I’ve given to people over the years and I figured why not share that with y’all? I don’t know how many of these I’m going to do. I’ve got a list of 20 or 30. I’ll probably end up combining a couple of them just because they’re not always a full video’s worth of tips.
I hope you get a nugget, a little something out of these videos. Feel free to comment, let me know what you thought, how you reacted to this tip and that trick. Or if you have something that you’d like to add, feel free.
This tip is a persona struggle of mine, something that I’m working on. It’s related to life in general but mainly to travel and mainly, for me at least, it’s travel day itself, either the leaving or the day of returning. But it’s simple but not easy, and it’s have patience.
Travel day can be a struggle for me, especially the day I start my trip and I’m so excited about going, about getting there, about the destination. The process of getting from home to the destination and having patience during that travel time is a challenge to me. Travel day itself can be a pain in the butt.
My family is actually my example for this because they have a tremendous amount of patience with me on travel day because I can be a bear. Every part of that travel day is a direct affront to my desire to be at the destination.
There’s just something about that day, about the whole process … You’ve got to leave for the airport, you’ve got to get there an hour and a half, two hours early and then you’ve got to wait in stupid lines for this and you’ve got to wait in more stupid lines for that. It drives me nuts, it drives me absolutely nuts.
You get to the airport, you finally get checked in, you go to the gate, you sit at the gate for an hour and they finally make the announcement that they’re going to start boarding.
Most of the airlines these days, or at least most that I’ve flown in the last couple of years, they now board by either groups or zones. Basically means the same thing. And it goes from one to nine. And group one boards first and then second and then third, on and on like that.
I’ve been taught that murder is wrong in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of God, and I never come close to murder except when that one person or those two people… Actually, last time it’s a couple. They’re boarding in fricking group eight and yet they stand right in front of the entryway when they call group one.
My tip for the day… And I’m going to leave it at this. Have some more patience. Realize that you’re not in control and that there’s not a whole lot you can do to be in control on that day.
Try and enjoy the process, try and enjoy the idea that soon, eventually but soon, you’ll be on that trip, you’ll be on that cruise ship or in your hotel ready to go out and have some fun and do something new and different. I’m really talking to myself as much as you guys, but I hope you get the point.
That’s about it. I hope you all have a great day and I’ll talk to you soon.